Old Town Antiques is one of my favorite places to shop, they always have those one of kind items, things you don't see everywhere you go, they are always friendly and helpful, they really know the shop, if you are looking for a particular item, they know if they have it and where it is located. theyare located in Sioux City, Iowa just off Dace Avenue. Just take the Floyd Blvd exit off the interstate and go north to the first light and turn left, two blocks later, you are there.

I have bought many black and white photos off of the wall behind the counter, another one of my favs. There are many interesting things hanging on this wall, you will have to go there and check it out for yourself.

Meet Chris and Barbara, Chris is the co-owner of Old Towne along with her husband Chris, yes, I said that right, it's Chris and Chris. Husband Chris thinks everything in the store is "trick", meaning very cool. Barbara works at Old Towne, she is very knowledgeable and has Chris' phone number is case of an "emergency let's make a deal" situation.

One of the locations in the shop I always head to is the hardware department, this place is always loaded with anything you can think of as far as hardware, anything from floor grates, to keyholes.

This was a collection of fruity salt and pepper shakers.....

This is possibly the one of the older globes I have ever seen, it was a little out of my price range but I do love globes and this one was way cool.

Gotta love those old enamel signs, this one has a great red color.

I also love this section, it's includes many advertising items, and all the little things such as brass water hose nozzles, glass light fixture globes, dice, insulators, and more.

I've been eye-balling this big old tall pine cupboard, it must be 9 foot tall and has a nice crown molding around the top. I could display a ton of things in this big boy!

Check out this old child's wool pants and coat, you could look stylist and still keep warm back in the good old days....

Have you seen one of these in a while? Boy have we come a long ways!

In the back corner of the store are a big of pile of tin ceiling, it would take hours to sort through it all to find the ones you want.

More globes........

A mountain of doorknobs...........any design, size and style, so if in need of a door knob, this would be the place to find one for sure!
That's your virtual trip through Olde Towne, if you can make it over there to check out the shop I'm sure you would find something to take home with you, along with some friendly faces ready to wheel and deal.