I have been awarded the "Honest Scrap" award by Forever Cottage, also known as the "Thrifty Mom" of the Junk Bonanza. Jill shopped the Arc store and decorated an entire table for 8 for under $100. That is simply amazing, if you seen the table you would be even more amazed!
Now I must tell you 10 Random/Honest things about myself, so here goes..
1.) My family is the most important thing to me in my life.
2.) I am a grandma of two of the cutest little boys you will ever see, they have taught me that you love your grandchildren as much as you love your own children.
3.) I have a deep down inside love for old things, even people, we can learn so many things from them.
4.) I traveled to London a year ago, now I have the travel bug and want to see more of the world.
5.) I collect cast iron fence toppers.
6.) I have a computer programming degree and I went to beauty school.
7.) I genuinely love visiting with people and getting to know them.
8.) My other job is at the Post office, I fill in for the Postmaster when he is gone.
9.) I lived with grandparents for 8 years, I contribute my love for old things to their influence in my life.
10.) I have a building stocked full of junk.
Now I am suppose to pass this on to seven people who have inspired me in the junking world, my list is so long that I could never list everyone who inspires me so I will skip this part, that way I won't forget anyone by mistake. All the people who follow my blog are an inspiration to me, all the people I meet each year at different events are the rewards I get for being in this business, so thank you all for your support.