Here is my happiness for today.... these great old photo studio cases I snagged from an auction today...

And a few other things to add to my happiness.... Notice the record player, been looking for one so we can play old records at the shop and bingo, I scored one today!

This is part of my heartbreak cause I didn't get this one but it did go to a good home, the lady who use to work for the studio for 15 years, isn't it amazing.....

These are the kind of machines that cause me heartache....

Especially when they are parked next to an cool old building like this.....

Check out the wonderful architecture on the top of this old beauty....

I am guessing it is going to be the next casualty of a demolition....

They have it all fenced off and the equipment setting there waiting for morning to come, I am going to make a few phone calls in the am to see if I can talk someone into salvaging some of that great old tin architecture from being destroyed, wish me luck!