I'm Back!!! I know I have been bad about posting to my blog lately but believe me I have a good excuse. I was sworn to secrecy previously to this but am able to break the silence now.... soooooo.... where have I been hiding....? BACHMAN'S!!!! I too, as has Margo, have been working for Bachman's, helping them find goods for the new look for their retail stores in the Minneapolis area.

Check out this great old turq cupboard, saved from an old back porch, can you believe someone didn't want this?

Here is another find, an old iron bed, again saved from a sure fate of being lost forever. It's last home was an old abandoned school house that hadn't had school in for 50 years. Now it will go to some one's home to become alive again!

Old silverware made into hooks for your home, these were once a prized possession of some one's, maybe a wedding gift, now you can have a little piece of history as part of your home...

Farmsytle, this is a fantastic section of the store, it's really a must see.

City is another great look, the theatre seats came out an old local theatre 50 years ago, went into storage until the call was received that they would like to get rid of them. Of course, myself and a friend of mine were more than happy to take them off of their hands.

The mix of old with the new is virtually flawless, Larry, Ki and the team did a fantastic job of setting the store up.

The Euro look is one of my favorites, although it really is hard to say one is better than another, it has some great architectural pieces, some great repurposed items, and a fresh new look that I adore.

Soooo, go on now, get your booty moving and get on out to Bachman's at Lyndale, Eden Prairie and soon to be Plymouth stores and check out the great new vintage look they are selling, I know you will find something you can't live without! You can also go over to
Margo's blog to get more on the skinny about
If you can't get there or live to far away, maybe your should plan a trip to the cities and check it out, for all you fellow Nebraskans, the Nebraska UNL girls basketball team will be playing in Minneapolis Sunday at 6:00p.m. Maybe take in both?
Keep posted to the blog, I will be sharing some of the junking trips I arranged for Larry and Ki to shop the tri-state area, as well as some of my recent junking trips and finds, see ya soon.